How to care for indoor succulents – basic rules for beginners

Succulents are ideal plants for beginners and anyone looking to create a green space at home with minimal effort. Their unpretentiousness, beautiful shapes and a wealth of shades make them a real decoration of any interior. However, for healthy growth and development, succulents need certain conditions and proper care.

Below you will find the basic rules that will help you care for indoor succulents with ease.

1. Lighting is a key factor for growth

Succulents love sunlight because they come from desert and semi-desert regions. Provide the plants with a sufficient amount of light:

  • Location : Place them on windowsills or near windows that receive a lot of direct sunlight.
  • Light duration : Most succulents need 5-6 hours of direct sunlight each day. If the lighting is not enough, the plants may lose their bright color and begin to stretch.
  • Additional lighting : In the dark winter months, you can use phytolamps for additional lighting.

2. Moderate watering – without excesses

The most common mistake beginners make is overwatering. Succulents are able to retain water in their leaves, stems and roots, so they need minimal watering.

  • Frequency of watering : In summer, water approximately once every two weeks, in winter – once a month. Always wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again.
  • Watering method : The best is immersion watering, when the pot is lowered into the water for a few minutes so that the roots absorb the necessary moisture. Then let the water drain.
  • Water : Use distilled or purified water at room temperature.

3. Proper soil and drainage

Succulents need special soil and good drainage to avoid water stagnation.

  • Soil : A special soil for succulents and cacti that has good air permeability is ideal.
  • Drainage : Use pots with drainage holes to avoid water stagnation. A layer of gravel or expanded clay can be added to the bottom of the pot for better drainage.

4. Optimal temperature and humidity

Succulents do not require extremely high humidity and grow well in dry conditions.

  • Temperature : In the warm season, maintain a temperature of 20-30°C, in winter, succulents can withstand a temperature of up to 10-15°C.
  • Humidity : Avoid high humidity and frequent spraying. If the air in the room is too humid, succulents can rot.

5. Transplantation — when and how

Succulents need to be transplanted once every 1-2 years, which allows you to renew the soil and provide a place for growth.

  • Time to transplant : It is best to transplant in spring or early summer, when succulents begin to actively grow.
  • Method : Carefully remove the plant from the pot, clean the roots from the old soil, and then plant in new succulent soil.

6. Pay attention to pests

Succulents are rarely affected by pests, but sometimes they can be attacked by spider mites, scales or fungal diseases.

  • Prevention : Regularly inspect the plant, especially under the leaves. Pests can be removed using a mild soap solution or special means.
  • Treatment : If the succulent is affected by fungus or rot, be sure to remove the affected parts and treat with a special fungicide.

7. Secrets of reproduction

Most succulents are easy to propagate, and this can be done either by leaves or by cuttings.

  • Propagation by leaves : Detach a healthy leaf, leave it to dry for a few days, then place it on the surface of the soil where it will eventually take root.
  • Propagation by cuttings : Cut off part of the stem, let it dry for a few days, then plant it in succulent soil.

The most popular types of succulents for beginners

  1. Aloe vera has healing properties and requires minimal maintenance.
  2. Echeveria is a compact rosette with brightly colored leaves that looks great in compositions.
  3. Crassula (money tree) is considered a symbol of financial well-being, grows slowly and does not need frequent watering.
  4. Sansevieria (pike tail) is resistant to drought, cleans the air well.

By following these basic rules, you will be able to enjoy the beauty and health of your succulents. These unpretentious plants can become not only an interior decoration, but also a real hobby, because caring for them brings pleasure even to beginners!

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