Plants that purify the air – how to create a healthy microclimate at home

A healthy microclimate in your home is not only good health and clean air, but also an additional aesthetic bonus. One of the simple and effective ways to improve the air quality in the house is to use indoor plants.

Вони не тільки поглинають токсини, але й допомагають зволожувати повітря, створюючи більш комфортне середовище.

Топ-5 рослин, що очищають повітря

  1. Sansevieria (Piketail)
    Sansevieria is one of the hardiest plants for air purification. It absorbs toxic substances such as benzene, formaldehyde and xylene, which are often present in household chemicals and furniture. This plant is especially useful for bedrooms, as it produces oxygen at night.
  2. Spathiphyllum (Ladies’ Happiness)
    This flower is known for its ability to absorb harmful substances, including ammonia, benzene and formaldehyde. Spathiphyllum also increases the level of humidity in the air, which is useful for people with dry skin and allergies.
  3. Chlorophytum (Green Lily)
    Chlorophytum is known for its ability to clean the air of carbon dioxide and formaldehyde, which can be released from furniture and floor coverings. It is an easy-care plant that grows well even in the absence of direct sunlight.
  4. Англійський плющ (Hedera helix)
    Англійський плющ не тільки прикрасить вашу оселю своїм зовнішнім виглядом, але й допоможе знизити рівень токсинів, таких як формальдегід та бензол. Він також чудово підходить для поглинання цвілі та бактерій.
  5. Aloe Vera
    Aloe Vera is not only a plant for healing, but also for purifying the air. It absorbs formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals. In addition, its juice is used to heal wounds and treat burns.

How to care for plants to purify the air?

In order for your plants to perform their functions effectively, it is important to properly care for them. Here are some tips:

  • Полив. Не забувайте про регулярний полив, але не переливайте. Більшість очищувальних рослин люблять помірну вологість.
  • Lighting . Place the plants on the windowsill or in a bright room. Some of them (such as chlorophytum) can tolerate partial shade, but most prefer bright light.
  • Cleanliness of leaves . Dust the leaves regularly, as this affects the plants ability to absorb toxins.
  • Добрива. Підживлюйте рослини один раз на місяць спеціальними добривами для кімнатних рослин, щоб вони залишались здоровими та ефективними.

Additional tips for improving the microclimate at home

Окрім використання кімнатних рослин, є ще кілька простих способів, як можна покращити якість повітря в оселі:

  1. Air the rooms every day . Regular ventilation helps reduce the level of carbon dioxide and enriches the air with oxygen.
  2. Використовуйте натуральні матеріали. Вибір меблів із натуральної деревини або текстилю допоможе зменшити кількість шкідливих хімічних речовин у повітрі.
  3. Air humidifier . If the indoor humidity is too low, it can lead to dry skin and breathing problems. Using a moisturizer will help maintain optimal moisture levels.
  4. Reduce the use of chemicals . Clean your home with environmentally friendly products to avoid air pollution with harmful fumes.

Creating a healthy microclimate at home is possible with the help of simple but effective measures, such as the use of indoor plants. They not only make the air cleaner, but also add a pleasant atmosphere to your home. Choose plants that suit you and enjoy fresh and clean air every day.

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