Winter is not an excuse for your garden to lose its appeal. Some decorative bushes can decorate it even in the cold season, keeping greenery or delighting with bright fruits.
Below are five of the best winter-hardy shrubs that will add beauty and charm to your garden at any time of the year.
1. Juniper (Juniperus)

Why it should be chosen:
Juniper is an evergreen shrub that retains its decorativeness even under snow. There are many varieties with different shapes and shades of needles – from green to silver or blue.
Care features:
- Undemanding to the type of soil.
- It tolerates frosts and strong winds well.
- Requires minimal care, only periodic watering is enough.
2. Hawthorn (Crataegus)

Why choose:
This shrub is known for its bright red fruits that stay on the branches all winter, adding color to a snowy garden. Hawthorn is also an excellent option for creating a hedge.
Care features:
- It grows well in different climatic conditions.
- Does not need frequent trimming.
- Withstands severe frosts up to -30°C.
3. Cotoneaster horizontal (Cotoneaster horizontalis)

Why choose it:
Dogwood is an ornamental bush with a dense crown that adorns the garden with its red berries and green or bronze leaves. Berries remain on the bush even after the leaves fall.
Care features:
- Withstands frosts up to -25°C.
- Suitable for creating hedges and borders.
- Requires moderate watering and pruning.
4. European beresklet (Euonymus europaeus)

Why it should be chosen:
This bush stands out for its bright pink or red fruits that stay on the branches even in severe frosts. In autumn, its leaves acquire a rich purple hue.
Care features:
- Grows well in the shade and in the sun.
- Resistant to frost and does not require frequent watering.
- Requires regular pruning to maintain shape.
5. Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii)

Why choose:
Barberry is known for its colorful leaves and red fruits that remain on the bush all winter. It adds brightness and variety to your garden.
Care features:
- Well tolerates low temperatures up to -35°C.
- Undemanding to growing conditions, but likes sunny places.
- Needs pruning only in spring.
Winter-hardy shrubs will not only decorate your garden in the cold season, but also add structure and color to it. Choose plants that best suit your climate and overall landscape style, and your garden will look magical even in winter.